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"Detective Munch Is Not A Real Cop"

Actor Richard Belzer is known for his role as Detective John Munch; first on the TV show, "Homicide — Life on the Street," and later as the same character on "Law & Order — Special Victims Unit (SVU)."

He’s written a book entitled, "I Am Not a Real Cop," which has just gone to the printer. In an interview with USA Today Belzer tells the story about an experience he had filming a "Homicide" episode in Baltimore.

He explains, "There I am standing in an alley with a prop cop car at one end of the alley, and a prop cop car at the other end. Crime scene technicians are gathering (prop) evidence and taking pictures, while I’m standing there holding a (prop) gun in my hand with a (prop) badge hanging on my jacket. Remember — even though this all looks very imposing, I am not a real cop."

Belzer continues his story: "So, anyway, this genuine thief, who is not part of the TV episode, has just shoplifted some real merchandise from a nearby store and is running away from a real Baltimore cop. The fleeing suspect, a true-life thief, turns the corner and runs down the alley where I’m standing as Detective John Munch, Baltimore P. D. — still, not a real cop."

The thief runs right up to Blezer (Munch) and sees him wearing a badge and holding a gun. Belzer again reminds us: "Remember, the badge and the gun are just props because I’m not a real cop."

That distinction between real and prop stuff apparently makes no impression on the fleeing criminal who throws up his hands and surrenders himself to Detective Munch (Belzer) — whoever. Case closed!

It’s interesting to note that Richard Belzer, a real actor, is a busy guy having played the same character on three versions of Law & Order, The X-Files, The Wire, The Simpsons, and Sesame Street — and now he’s a real writer.

Copyright-Bob Ford 2008      

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Bad Guys Good Guys

As a police reporter turned retired South Carolina Cop, Bob Ford writes "Call the Cops" with authority. "Call the Cops" ranges from the humorous to the outright bizarre and is published in several media throughout the Southeastern United States.   Bob is also CopNet's South Carolina Screening Officer.

NOTE: Bob has taken down his website.

Check out Bob Ford's BLOG at: http://bobfordscallthecops.blogspot.com

Write to Bob Ford at: BobFord@fenrir.com

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