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"Benji to the Rescue"

Two tough-looking guys walk into a convenience store shortly after 11 o’clock. They browse around while the on-duty clerk waits on a few customers. Now they’re alone in the store with the clerk.

Tough #1 pats a bulge in his tee-shirt and says, "Gimme all the money or you’re history, little man." Tough #2 stands in the background and nods at everything Tough #1 says.

The clerk counts out the money. "There’s a total of $37.86, and that’s all they is."

Tough #1 barks back, "You gotta be kidding me. I figure there’d be at least $200 with all the customers you got."

"No sir," says the clerk, "the owner comes by every now and then and picks up most of the money and takes it to the bank. That’s all I got. And that’s the honest truth."

Tough #1 grabs the clerk by the shirt: "If you’re lying to me, little man, so help me, I can make you real sorry."

The clerk’s voice becomes shaky: "You’d better not hurt me or Benji will get mad. And you don’t want to be around when Benji gets mad."

"Who the #%@& is Benji?" Tough #1 screams back at the frightened clerk. (Note: During this last encounter the clerk manages to press the panic button which is concealed under the counter. Hopefully, police will soon be on the way.)

At that very moment Benji comes running down the aisle from the back of the store. Benji is howling mad because he knows his master, the store clerk, is in danger.

Benji always attacks the ankles first. No matter how tough guys are, ankles are easy to get to - and they’re tender. As police arrive, Tough #1 and Tough #2 are hopping across the parking lot screaming like they’ve been attacked by the Hound of the Baskervilles.

They haven’t, of course, they’ve only been attacked by Benji. Did I mention that Benji is a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig? Benji sleeps a lot, but if you get him riled up he can be real mean.

Copyright-Bob Ford-2001      

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Bad Guys Good Guys

As a police reporter turned retired South Carolina Cop, Bob Ford writes "Call the Cops" with authority. "Call the Cops" ranges from the humorous to the outright bizarre and is published in several media throughout the Southeastern United States.   Bob is also CopNet's South Carolina Screening Officer.

Write to Bob Ford at: BobFord@fenrir.com

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